Optimizing Virtual Platform and Classroom Capabilities to Enhance Engagement

Course Image
Expert OJT

Have you had to pivot your courses or the courses you manage or produce to a virtual instructor (synchronous) format?   Optimizing Virtual Platform and Classroom Capabilities to Enhance Engagement will illustrate the tools and techniques to enhance engagement in virtual courses.  Topics to include scheduling, chat, mute, polling, annotation, emojis and breakout groups.  Upon completion, students wil understand how to better implement these techniques.

Contact Hours

Trainers, Teachers, and Producers of virtual offerings

  • Scheduling
  • chat
  • Mute
  • Polling
  • Annotation
  • Emojis
  • Breakout groups

Upon completion, students wil understand how to better implement these techniques.

Delivery Options
Live Instructor Led

Delivered online with a live instructor at a scheduled date and time.

Expert OJT

Have you had to pivot your courses or the courses you manage or produce to a virtual instructor (synchronous) format?   Optimizing Virtual Platform and Classroom Capabilities to Enhance Engagement will illustrate the tools and techniques to enhance engagement in virtual courses.  Topics to include scheduling, chat, mute, polling, annotation, emojis and breakout groups.  Upon completion, students wil understand how to better implement these techniques.


Trainers, Teachers, and Producers of virtual offerings

  • Scheduling
  • chat
  • Mute
  • Polling
  • Annotation
  • Emojis
  • Breakout groups

Upon completion, students wil understand how to better implement these techniques.

Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Live Instructor Led

Delivered online with a live instructor at a scheduled date and time.