Asked dates. WP 1/11
Recommended Late January and asked about activity. WP 1/12
Working on activities. WP 1/12
Asked for times. WP 1/16
Offered end of January dates. WP 1/16
Asked dates. WP 1/11
Recommended Late January and asked about activity. WP 1/12
Working on activities. WP 1/12
Asked for times. WP 1/16
Offered end of January dates. WP 1/16
Offered Jan. 23. WP 12/11
Teacher workday on 23. Offered another day that week. WP 1/3
Will be moving to 25th possibly. WP 1/11
Recommended one activity for one day in January. Waiting on standards. WP 9/5
Recommended Visualizing DNA for one day in January. WP 9/6
Recommended January 19. WP 9/8
Recommended two coordinators for one day. WP 1/11
Rescheduling and recommended Visualizing DNA for Jan. 25. WP 1/12
Trying to schedule for 1/24. Asked about activity. WP 12/7
Offered January 31. Asked which activities. WP 12/11
Finding Patient Zero, Visualizing DNA, and shortened GMO Detective. WP 1/3
Suggested week of January 15. WP 11/17
Can't do both teachers. Offered activity and PD. WP 11/17
Royal Disease for one teacher and PD with another. WP 11/21
Snow day. No School. Emailed to reschedule. WP 1/17
Offered dates in Jan/Feb. WP 1/3
Offered Feb. 21st. WP 1/11
Offered Feb. 2. WP 1/23