715 US-13
Windsor, NC 27983
United States
Recommended one activity for one day in January. Waiting on standards. WP 9/5
Recommended Visualizing DNA for one day in January. WP 9/6
Recommended January 19. WP 9/8
Recommended two coordinators for one day. WP 1/11
Rescheduling and recommended Visualizing DNA for Jan. 25. WP 1/12
Prosthesis Thesis, Dislike Broccoli, High Royal Disease, We have 2 teams with each team has 3 classes of 30 students each. Thus 180 students I will send you our schedule to cbehrle@ncbionetwork.org. I am in the middle school and we teach all the elementary students so even though some have been with me maybe 2-3 per class the majority have not. You pick a date that is best for you.
Sixth grade science. Sent schedule to cbehrle@ncbionetwork.org