NSTA 8/29
Offered Dec. 6 or 7 9-5
NSTA 8/29
Offered Dec. 6 or 7 9-5
Can't make. Suggested reapplying for Spring. 8/29
Offered Dec. 6/7th 9/4
Offered January 7. 11/20
Not avail. offered next semester. 10/1
Offered Jan. 8. 10/2
Asked about specific activity. 12/10
Can come out on 11th. 1/4
Offered FPZ for Jan 8 or 9. 10/12
Royal Disease for Jan. 8 or 9 10/16
Offered one day and suggested patient zero 7/19
Offered Jan. 8 or 9th for FPZ 10/16
Offered 23rd. Asking about activity and 2nd period. 1/7
Asked which activity 1/10
Asked about activity and recommended 24th. 1/7
Asked if they were still interested. 1/18