Meet CSL Seqirus
Join us Thursday March 24, 2022 from 6pm to 7pm to learn more about immediate openings for manufacturing roles at our Holly Springs, NC site.
Introduction to Cell and Gene Therapy
Cell and Gene Therapy is a technique that modifies a person's genes to treat or cure disease. This course will focus on an introduction to the applications of Cell and Gene Therapy. The topics covered will include cell biology, virology, microbiology, and immunology as a basic background and then will move into the principles of genetics. Concepts of molecular biology and biotechnology will be discussed to understand the techniques used in gene therapy.
Expert OJT
Is your business training new employees or apprentices? Has turnover created a situation where you’re in a circle of training, retraining, and training again. Are your on-the-job training materials hitting the mark when training your employees?