Asked about more classes. 1/18
FPZ for first two classes and then Biofuels for Earth/Env classes. Offered Feb. 5 or 6. 1/22
Asked about more classes. 1/18
FPZ for first two classes and then Biofuels for Earth/Env classes. Offered Feb. 5 or 6. 1/22
Asked about activity. 1/10
Offered week of Feb. 4 and asked about activities. 1/18
Offered Let's Give a hand and Mooney(dye version) 1/22
Offered Feb. 8 1/24
Offered diff. options. 1/24
Offered Feb. 11 1/30
Offered one day and PD. 1/18
Offered Feb. 13 1/25
Offered Feb. 15 and asked for more classes. 12/11
Waiting for numbers and times for other classes 12/14
Confirmed Dino Might and asked about classes/times 1/3
Dino Might and Food Dye Electrophoresis. Waiting on class times 1/9
Offered Dec. 12 and Food-borne Outbreak Lab. 10/18
Need to reschedule due to snow/ice 12/11
Offered Jan. 29. 12/18