50 College Rd
Supply, NC 28462
United States
Event Date: TBD
Note: "We are not sure of the date we plan to host this event yet. I will be attending a meeting this Friday [2/10/23] and hope to have a more definitive answer by the end of the week."
Primary Contact: Dr. Noel Lehner
Position: Dept Chair - Math, Science & Engineering
Email: lehnerc@brunswickcc.edu
Phone: (910)-755-7434
Preferred Method of Contact: Email
Secondary Contact: Dr. Katie Kleber
Email: kleberk@brunswickcc.edu
Phone: (910)-755-6675
Preferred Method of Contact: Email
Type of Event: In-Person Package
Total Kits: 100 in-person kits
Requesting BioNetwork Staff to be present: No.
Location: Brunswick Community College
Shipping Address: 50 College Rd, Supply, NC 28462
County: Brunswick