3351 Hwy 42 W
Wilson, NC 27893
United States
Recommend Hand washing activity with GloGerm for 1st graders and change Royal Disease(too complex). WP 10/17
Couldn't find original email. Emailed again. WP 10/23
Recommended a few activities. WP 10/23
Offered April 10. WP 11/8
Can't do April. Offered Feb/March WP 11/9
Gown Up-We'd like to do this with 4th and 6th grades if possible. 3 classes: 1 class is 24 students(10:15-11am), one is 16 students (9am-10am), one is 7 students (2-3pm). There is also a 1st grade class that would love to see the gown and try it on--16 kids 1:35-2pm)
A Royal Disease-We'd like to do this with 5th and 7th graders if possible. 3 classes: 2 classes of 15 (8am-9am and 11-noon) and one class of 26 (12:40-1:15)
Monday and Tuesday work the best with our schedule. We are open to most dates in late October through May. We just really want something to engage our students. You came last year and did Zombie apocalypse and DNA Berry and it was amazing.