Lyophilization 1: Intro to Freeze Drying

Lyophilization 1: Intro to Freeze Drying


Welcome to BioNetwork's introductory course on pharmaceutical lyophilization. Whether you're a community college student or a biomanufacturing professional, this 20-minute course is designed to build your foundational knowledge of the principles and applications of freeze drying.


Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to:

  • Define lyophilization and associated key terms and explain the underlying principles involved in the freeze drying process.
  • Describe the importance of lyophilization in preserving and stabilizing biological products within the biotech industry.
  • Examine the four stages of the freeze drying process and describe how each phase combines to build a product-specific freeze drying recipe. 
  • Recognize common errors by visually examining vials with defects.
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