Introduction to Clinical Research

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Introduction to Clinical Research

This series of activities explores the processes, research trials, and other considerations for developing and delivering a new drug product to the market.

Part I: Clinical Research
Introduction to Clinical Research: Part 1 – Drug Development Overview

Lesson 1: Drug Development Overview

This course provides a general overview of the process used to develop drugs and why it costs so much to bring those drugs to market. It also explores the phases of clinical trials including the test candidates, testing outcomes, and timelines associated with each phase.
Introduction to Clinical Research: Part 2 – Human Subjects Protection and Informed Consent

Lesson 2: Human Subjects Protection and Informed Consent

Examine the reasons why there are protections for human participants in research studies and how permissions are collected from the candidates. Then use what you’ve learned to evaluate patient profiles for inclusion or exclusion in a possible trial.
Introduction to Clinical Research: Part 3 – Regulations and Guidance

Lesson 3: Regulations and Guidance

Explore the federal and international regulations that protect human participants in research studies. Then use what you’ve learned to conduct interviews and protocol reviews in audit scenarios.
Part II: Clinical Trials
Introduction to Clinical Research: Part 4 – Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Lesson 1: Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Learn more about the Belmont Report as the foundation for the Institutional Review Board, an overview of the levels of review, and the use of consent waivers for clinical research studies.
Elements of Good Documentation Practices (GDP) and Data Integrity

Lesson 2: Comparing Title 45 and Title 21

Take a guided overview of the FDA–Title 21 and HHS–Title 45 regulations that govern research studies.
Introduction to Clinical Research: Part 6 – Clinical Research Study Management

Lesson 3: Clinical Research Study Management

See how clinical trials of a research drug or medical device are conducted and managed.